Webinar and Presentation Topics
New Year, New Strategies:
Helping Students Plan, Persist, and Achieve Success
In this presentation, parents will learn practical strategies to:
✓ Instill confidence in your child at the start of this school year
✓ Increase your child’s likelihood of earning good grades in the first quarter and beyond
✓ Establish a motivated, positive outlook towards academics (for the whole family)
✓ Get organized and prepare an effective new school week routine in your home
Roadmap to College:
What Students Should Do In Each Year of High School to Stand Out
College admissions offices across the country are overflowing with applications as more students cast a wider net in their pursuit of the perfect school. As the process gets more competitive, finding ways to stand out is a must. But how can your teen do that when there are so many qualified applicants?
In this presentation, learn what your child should start doing now to stand out later. Join Ann to hear insight on:
✓ How the college admissions landscape is continually changing and what it means for your family
✓ The most significant factors that now determine whether a student will be admitted to their dream school
✓ How students can use their interests and accomplishments to craft a narrative throughout high school to help their future applications stand out
✓ Ways to know if and when your child should prep for the ACT/SAT— or if they should skip the tests altogether
✓ How starting the process early in high school can move a “dream school” into the “target" range
How to Handle Bad Grades:
Uncover the Reasons Why it’s Happening and How to Help
Bad grades are not always a fair indication of how hard your child is trying, how much they’re learning, or what their potential for success is later on in life (especially for those with ADHD and other learning differences).
On the surface, disappointing grades represent a failure at school. But there’s usually a lot more to it and many emotions, for parents and students, at stake!
In this workshop, Ann will help parents uncover possible reasons for their child’s grades and learn:
✓ What to do if your child comes home with bad grades (and how to prevent over-reacting)
✓ How to talk to your child about their school performance, including some easy conversation starters
✓ Ways to investigate why it’s happening and the two most common reasons for poor grades
✓ What to do about it moving forward, including strategies to help your child study more effectively and stay organized
✓ Whether you should set consequences for your child’s bad grades (or reward them for good grades) and how to keep kids with ADHD motivated
Ann Dolin’s Books
Parents and teachers turn to Ann Dolin’s award-winning books for her advice on a variety of educational topics.

How to Get Your Kids Organized, Focused, and Motivated...Without Being the Bad Guy